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Join Meet

join user to room

Content-type: application/json

end point for all api : /api

user can join as adminUser(moderator) or normal User(attendee). The main difference between the different roles is the capabilities of the meeting rooms. Generally, the moderator has more control over the meeting than the attendees.

Create meet request parameters

SecretstringNoby default no need
TypestringYesmust be "Join"
Data.userNamestringYesuser name
Data.meetIDintYesmeet id
Data.PassstringNoroom paswoed

if JoinRole set to 0 then user join as normal user .

if JoinRole set to 1 then user join as admin


"Secret": "",
"Type": "Join",
"Data": {
"meetID": 21,
"userName": "ali",
"Pass": "passwoed",
"JoinRole": 1


join meet response

Statusstring"ok"return ok
MessagestringResponse message
PIDstringuser private id
Urlstringprivate link for user

sample response

"Status": "ok",
"PID": "cipqrnhn4tji2f2kpn6g",
"Message": "",
"Url": "/user/cipqrnhn4tji2f2kpn6g"